How important was Spiritual Motivation for the participation in the First Crusade?

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24 marks - How important was Spiritual Motivation for the participation in the First Crusade?

How important was Spiritual Motivation for the participation in the First Crusade?

The First Crusade offered its participants full remission of sins, which was an appealing offer to many who lead less than morale lives. The relics found, and the penitential acts done in devotion to God show that there was a large amount of religious fervour. However, at this time, owning land was also a very important thing to people, as it still is today, and many who had been disinherited by family members took up the cross for material gain.

When Pope Urban II preached the First Crusade, he made it clear that it was a Holy War – a war that God himself approved of. At this time, the life expectancy was very low, with many living into their 30s or 40s, if they were lucky, so religion played a key role in people’s lives. By praying, and going to confession, sins could be forgiven. However, people like the Equestrians lived sinful lives, of violence and aggression, and were fearful that they would not go to heaven. By offering full remission to this class, they would be able to carry on their violent careers without any fear of a poor afterlife.

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The People’s Crusade, which was led by Peter the Hermit, was based strongly on spiritual motivation. Peter the Hermit claimed to have a ‘Letter from God’, which inspired his followers to take up the cross. The People’s Crusaders believed that they were doing God’s work, and the likelihood of them being able to claim land during their Crusade was very low, so it is undeniable that they must have gone through Spiritual Motivation.

As the Crusaders besieged Antioch in October 1097 to April 1098, they believed that the lack of success that they was having was because God was displeased ...

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