How successful was the UN intervention in Korea

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How successful was the UN intervention in Korea?

The entry of the USA into the Korean War was a response to the invasion of South Korea by the North. The USA therefore intervened to help a victim of aggression repel a deliberately provocative enemy: the use of the United Nations to send troops to the aid of South Korea because the war was framed in this manner. However the prompt actions of the USA in committing itself to the assistance of South Korea was less due to upholding democracy against the threat of an aggressor than to the wider context of the Cold War.

UNTCOK was the United Nations Temporary Commission on Korea and was the UN committee to oversee elections. The United Nations was established in ’45 as a world peace-keeping organization. This commission was setup to oversee the organization of elections in Korea after ’45. The UN General Assembly decided there should be elections held throughout Korea to choose a national government. However the Soviet Union and North Korea refused to cooperate.

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From 1945 to 1949 Europe had been the main focus point of the Cold War. After ’49 attention turned to Asia. The Communist takeover of China led to US concerns that communism was spreading. These fears were to be realized in 1950 when North Korea (communist) invaded the South. The Korean War posed a real danger to international relations. Although it was essentially a civil war, it was a conflict the USA, the Soviet Union and China would find difficult not to get involved in.

Korea became an issue of ideological conflict with context of the superpower rivalry ...

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