How useful are sources A to C to explain why the United States became involved in the war in Vietnam?

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Essay to answer the question:  How useful are sources A to C to explain why the United States became involved in the war in Vietnam?

Vietnam in South East Asia had always been a desirable country.  Since the 19th century, it was ruled by France and called Indo China.  Apart form one rebellion in 1930, France had total control of the country until they surrendered to Germany in the Second World War in 1940.  Japan, Germany’s ally, took control of Vietnam and the resources in it, such as coal, rice, rubber, railways and roads.  An anti-Japanese resistance organisation, which was called the Viet Minh and led by Ho Chi Minh, a communist, was formed.  At the end of the war, the Viet Minh controlled the North Vietnam and had ambitions to control the rest.  Japan had gone when they entered Hanoi in 1945 and declared Vietnamese independence.  When war broke out between France and Vietnam in 1946 because the French wanted to regain control of Vietnam, the Viet Cong, which was a communist-supporting group against the Americans set up in the South of Vietnam, used guerrilla tactics against the French.  These involved hit and run raids and other tactics that the French hadn’t experienced before and made them almost impossible to beat.  

To begin with, the USA was sympathetic towards the Viet Minh because they viewed the situation as Vietnam wanting to have independence and they did not agree with countries having colonies anyway.  However in 1949, when communists took over China and began to give help to Ho Chi Minh, the USA became afraid that the Viet Minh were the puppets of China.  The Americans then became increasingly involved in Vietnam because they hated communism and were very much afraid of a communist spread.  They feared the Domino effect, which meant that if Vietnam fell to communism, they expected nearby countries such as Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Burma and India to become communist one after the other, very quickly.  The USA had a policy known as the Truman Doctrine, which meant that they would send money, equipment and advice to any country threatened by a communist take over.  Therefore, they provided Ngo Dinh Diem, who was helped to set up the anti-communist Republic of South Vietnam, with $1.6 billion in the 1950’s.  The other policy that the USA had was containment, which was to prevent communism spreading any further than it already had done in Eastern Europe.  The USA stopped the proposed elections taking place in Vietnam for fear that the communists would win, so Vietnam was divided into North and South Vietnam in 1954.  This communist victory over the French led the Americans to believe that communists were taking over the world and must be stopped.

Sources A to C show two people’s views towards America going into war against North Vietnam and the Viet Cong.  Source A is a speech made by US President Johnson in April 1965, one month after the start of Operation Rolling Thunder.  He is justifying the reasons for going into war against Vietnam, which are to keep the peace and freedom of the people in South Vietnam.  Its content can be trusted because, being the President, he was directly involved in Vietnam so he knew what was happening and understood what he was talking about.  However, it is untrustworthy because he is speaking after Operation Rolling Thunder so he has a need to justify the reasons for the bombing and attacks on Vietnam, and he could just be identifying reasons that will help receive most support from the public for the war.  He is speaking after the Gulf of Tonkin incident where two American ships were attacked so he is speaking in the ‘heat of the moment’ and perhaps at a time where he feels that he can convince most of the public that they are going into war to keep the peace and security.

After the Gulf of Tonkin incident, the US Congress passed the Tonkin Gulf Resolution.  This gave Johnson the power to ‘take all necessary measures to prevent further aggression and achieve peace and security.’  The Congress meant that they would support a war if its purpose were to bring peace and security, so this is maybe why Johnson is saying these are the reasons why America should go into war.  It does not give his true opinion of why or whether America should go into war.  It gives the official reasons and the ones he wants the public to hear.  This suggests that the source is not completely trustworthy and is therefore not useful for providing the feelings that President Johnson really had for going into war.  Also, the ascription states that he was ‘speaking’ but it there is no information as to where he was speaking and in front of which groups of people.  This affects the source’s usefulness because historians will not be able to tell which people Johnson wants to hear these views.

Source A is very useful for showing what President Johnson wanted the American public to think the reasons were for going into war against Vietnam.  He explains, ‘we fight because we have a promise to keep,’ which implies that previous American presidents wanted to help South Vietnam to gain freedom and independence, and he is following this policy.  He also states, ‘we are there to strengthen world order,’ which is suggesting that the USA is like the world’s police force and it shows their position in the world, meaning that they are a country with power and responsibility.  Johnson has used the bible to gain public support, as he says, ‘Hithertho shalt thou come, but no further…’ He has done this because a lot of the United State’s population were Christians so it would persuade them to think that going into war is morally the correct thing to do.  Johnson has introduced an element of fear by saying that if they hadn’t gone into war against Vietnam, ‘the result would be instability and unrest, and even wider war.’  The American public would still be recovering from and remembering the devastating effects of the Second World War and they desperately didn’t want another war, so it would add to public support for the war.  Johnson refers back to the Second World War when he says, ’ we must stay in South East Asia- as we did in Europe,’ to reinforce that America needs to go into war to preserve the peace because when they were involved with Europe it worked out peacefully in the end so it should do this time.  Therefore this source does have its uses, especially for demonstrating the official reasons for going into war and some of the views he wanted the American public to have, for example America being like the world police force.  He emphasises that the war is about keeping peace and is for the freedom of the people in South Vietnam.

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The usefulness of Source A is however limited, particularly by details that are left out and the way the source is one-sided.  President Johnson was bitterly anti-Communist, which is one of the main reasons America went into war against Vietnam.  Johnson feared a spread of Communism around the world.  In the source there is no reference to Communism or mention of any of the causes of this conflict and why war is actually necessary to preserve the peace.  Instead, his speech concentrates on what the consequences will be if America does not go into war.  He does not give ...

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