In the US, just a short time ago we experienced tragedy and a great loss.

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In the US, just a short time ago we experienced tragedy and a great loss.  On September 11, 2001, massive terrorist attacks took place against the United States.  Eventually these horrendous attacks lead to what I believe is another tragic incident: a war.  The so-called War on Terrorism is especially important to me personally because my brother recently joined the army.  Many people including myself wonder if the war in Iraq is truly justified.  War is not the answer to terrorism.  Any attacks on the terrorists will result in a return attack.  What the world desperately needs is a solution that will allow the global population to enjoy their lives without the need to destroy an entire culture.

Anything we do just is a slap on the wrist to the perpetrators of 9/11 as a whole. President Bush expects the world, in its entirety, to make a stand against terrorism.  The history of agreements in Iraq, however, demonstrates that this stand will be difficult to sustain.  Support for sanctions will quickly become diminished among nations other than the United States.  Nevertheless, this was true before the Bush administration entered the fray, with its go-it-alone philosophy, walking away from treaties on missile defense and global warming, upsetting even our closest allies.

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Many people, however, believe that the US has many acceptable if not grand reasons to go to war such as Iraq being a haven for Al-Qaeda as well as many other terrorist associations or the Nuclear-Biological capacity of Hussein.  Furthermore, they support President Bush's "evil triangle" theory.  Some even went as far as stating “that the notorious Chamberlain-Hitler scenario will repeat itself if we keep compromising with Saddam Hussein.”  It seems that the American leaders are being deceitful to their people as they try to cover their hunger for Iraqi resources by describing Saddam Hussein as a first-rate terrorist ...

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