In what ways did the careers of Stalin and Trotsky Differ in the Years 1917-1924?

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In what ways did the careers of Stalin and Trotsky Differ in the Years 1917-1924

By 1917 Stalin and Trotsky were completely different characters.

By 1924 Stalin has risen through the ranks to the position of General Secretary. This position gave him the personal files of all the party members and gave him the power to put his supporters into important positions within the party.

Before Stalin had held this post he had had held other posts, namely Commissar for Nationalities (1917), Liaison officer between the Politburo and the Orgburo (1919). He had also held the position of Head of The Workers and Peasants Inspectorate (1919).
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As Commissar of Nationalities in 1917 he was responsible for the officials in the various republics outside of Russia. It was in this post that he came head to head with Trotsky and probably why they continued to disagree throughout there political careers. He came up against Trotsky because Stalin, as Commissar for Nationalities, had some control over the army in the republics outside of Russia. Trotsky, on the other hand, was the Commissar for War and didn't like his power base, i.e. the army, being run by other members of the party.

In 1919 he ...

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