Myles Simpson                02/05/2007

Iraq and the USA


The US Iraq conflict has yet to actually be fought using violence, at the moment the US are trying to persuade the United Nations and other countries that going to war with Iraq is the right thing to do.

The US’s reasons for war are mainly to eliminate Suddam Hussein. Suddam Hussein is the current president of Iraq America would like to eliminate him because of the threat he poses on America and its allies, as Iraq is meant to able to launch biological and chemical attacks on the world.

To be able to go to war freely with Iraq the United Nations must agree to this if they do not then the UN will offer no support to the US. For the UN to go to war they had to find out if the US’s reasons where legible. To do this they sent in weapons inspectors to check wherever Iraq had the capability to launch a chemical or nuclear strike. The weapons inspectors produced a dossier revealing the information they revealed.


Iraq's declaration on its weapons contained the names of foreign suppliers - threatening potentially embarrassing revelations about countries involved. Countries including Bosnia, Yugoslavia and Ukraine have faced accusations of supplying military assistance to the Iraqis.

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Experts from the UK, US, France, Russia and China are censoring potentially dangerous sections of the dossier before releasing a working version for wider distribution among the other members of the Security Council.

Nuclear declaration

The 12,000-page dossier, ordered by UN Security Council Resolution 1441, provided a  account of Iraq's past and present weapons programme.

The nuclear section, running to nearly 2,500 pages, deals with Iraq's nuclear weapons activities up until 1991 and a smaller section covers the period between 1991 and 2000.

The nuclear section covered how the country could obtain nuclear ...

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