Joseph Stalin

Joseph Stalin was the Communist dictator of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) from 1929 to 1953. He ruled by terror and was responsible for the deaths of millions of people. But he also transformed the USSR into a major world power.

Vladimir Ilich Lenin was the first dictator of the USSR. Lenin led the Bolshevik takeover of the provisional Russian government in what was known as the October Revolution of 1917. (The revolution took place on November 6-7 according to the modern calendar adopted in 1918. According to the Julian Calendar, which was used in Russia up to that time, the revolution took place in October). The first Soviet leader hoped the revolution would set off other socialist revolts in Western countries.

Lenin gained political stature through his writings and then as head of the Bolshevik party. He led the 1917 Bolshevik takeover of the provisional government, which had governed Russia since the fall of tsarist rule a few months earlier. After becoming dictator, Lenin set a slow course towards socialism, waiting until domestic and foreign conflicts were resolved before initiating most of his revolutionary economic policies. Here, Lenin ends a speech, which was recorded on a gramophone in 1919.

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The Russian revolution

On March 8, 1917 (or February 23 by the Julian calendar), a street demonstration in Petrograd (now St Petersburg) turned into a riot, as Russians rose up against their autocratic Tsarist government and the depredations of World War I. With its troops mutinying, the government fell, and Tsar Nicholas II, last of the Romanov line, abdicated. Russia became a republic.

Imperial Russia’s Tsarist rulers had entered World War I to win territories and influence in Eastern Europe and the Balkans. Instead, the stresses of war broke the rigid Tsarist state, with Russian troops surrendering en ...

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