Obituary of Romulus

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Obituary of Romulus

Great Leader Romulus Dies

Romulus was a great man and the founder of a great city. Although his family was plagued with tragedy he was always destined for greatness.

Romulus' Grandfather Proca was the thirteenth king of Alba Longa. Proca had two sons, the eldest of which was Numitor who was set to inherit the kingdom at the passing of his father, but his brother Amulius was overcome by jealousy and drove Numitor out of Alba Longa and killed Numitor's two sons, taking the throne for himself. Numitor also had a daughter, Rhea Silvia, who Amulius made a Vestal Virgin. This meant she was to remain a virgin for thirty years as she served in the temple of Vesta, goddess of the hearth. This plan failed when Rhea Silvia was raped by the god Mars and bore two sons, Romulus and Remus. Amulius feared that the twins would grow up to overthrow him so he arranged for them to be thrown into the river Tiber. This plan also backfired when the river flooded and the slaves who were sent to dump the twins were forced to leave the basket that contained the twins in a stagnant pool. Eventually when the water of the river had receded the twins were found by a She-Wolf who suckled them until a shepherd, Faustsulus, discovered them. Faustulus and his wife Lorentia took the boys as their own.
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Even at this age you could tell the twins had fate on their side. The twins grew up on Numitors farm. It was here that they hunted and learned the fighting skills that they would call upon later in life. As they grew up the boys began to ambush thieves, this continued to develop their fighting skills and also started to show their morality as they gave their money back to the poor. As word started to spread about the twins' heroism one day they were attacked by a gang of thieves and Remus was captured. When Remus ...

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