Opposition was the main problem facing Alexander III. How far do you agree with the statement?

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Opposition was the main problem facing Alexander3. How far do you agree with the statement?  

Alexander3 inherited the Russian Empire in the moment when there was urge for changes. His legacy from his father was the inception of newly introduced liberal movements. Even though Alexander was reactionary, it was mainly because he did not want to follow his fathers footsteps who was assassinated by nihilist group “Peoples Will”,  he couldn’t stop spread of so called “Westerners” and radicals. It was crucial for Alexander to preserve his power as an autocrat, which meant that there were no room for opposition that could jeopardise his reign. But at that point he could still hold his control over Russia and opposition was too weak and divided to challenge the Tsar, at that time Empire faced more economical and social problems that Tsar needed to solve.

As a child Alexander had Pobedonoscev as his tutor who was Tsars chief minister and leading official of the State Church. He was remarkable by his conservative views, being part of Slavophiles movement. It was easy for him to influence Alexanders views far before he became Tsar and even after his influence kept pursuing the young Tsar. Because of Pobedonoscevs doctrines Alexander believed in order for Russia to modernise it needs to follow old traditions, so he will be safe from repeating his fathers fate. Pobedonoscev taught Alexander that basis of political stability, which was very important for the Tsar, lay upon autocracy, Russian nationalism and the Russian Orthodox Church.

Russian Orthodox Church members supported Tsar because their position was highly dependent on him. They were the bridge that tied the Tsar to the people, because faith mainly gave Tsar his powers of autocrat. Russian society had 80% of it as peasants who were uneducated “dark masses”, the lack of education made them deeply religious because it was the only knowledge they had access to and Church claimed that Tsar was God anointed, so the Church made sure that peoples mind won’t get corrupted by any other ideas. Any opposition and other political views were direct threat to the Church officials, which made them to support Tsars repressions.  As well as majority of Aristocracy shared Tsars policies because they existed only due to the existing monarchy, that’s why they supported Tsars fear and hatred of opposition and believed that it was the main problem of Russia.

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Westerners wanted to reform autocracy , giving the elective parliament to share political power with the Tsar. Russia was on its way to modernise passing the stage of industrialisation, which meant that it would stand on the same position as Austo-Hungary and Germany. The emancipation of the serfs and creation of zemstvas gave a hope that Russia is modernising. Also educational reforms made a new class called “intelligencia” who shared western liberal views. As well as there were extremist groups that felt the only way for Russia to change was eradication of the monarch, they did not have clear aim ...

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