Propaganda was a critically important tool used to the control the masses in Nazi Germany, but equally, this control was dependent upon the political, social and military successes of the NSDAP

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Propaganda itself did not define what the people thought; it merely encouraged and enhanced what the general populace was already thinking. When combined with fear of the Gestapo, people mostly as the battle approached the home front people felt threatened and less-inclined to support their government. Propaganda at this time was unwelcome by people who were desperate for the truth, and for peace.

When Hitler and the NSDAP ascended to power in 1933, Germany was in turmoil. They had experienced economic depression and were suffering from the humiliating effects of the Treaty of Versailles. Germany had a strong leader with promise to rectify this. Under the NSDAP, workplace conditions improved and unemployment decreased. Unemployment had been almost 1/3 of the population in 1933 and this figure was reduced to only 74,000 by the summer of 1939. The Party set up entertainment schemes for German workers' leisure time, and impacted on most aspects of life. As a result of this, German's were happy and supportive of their leader and his party. Fear of the Gestapo was another feature that controlled their lives. “The Nazi police state represents not so much an aberration of modern policing as the police powers of the modern state, carried to a logical extreme based on the dominant world view. 

Although the Gestapo mainly dealt with paperwork, the majority of those imprisoned were eventually let off, the people perceived them to be ubiquitous and omnipotent, and thus allowed themselves to be fear them. This belief was encouraged by propaganda stories. Along with fulfilling his promises, Hitler appealed to the strongly nationalistic people, who traditionally respected authority, and appeared to the public as revoking the terms of the shameful Treaty of Versailles.

The years 1933-1939 were relatively peaceful to the German people, and even the early war years did much to boost support for the NSDAP. The Wermacht achieved countless victories, and morale was high within the nation. People believed in their government but were also apathetic; they wanted what was best for themselves and would control their actions if it was in their best interests to do so. The satisfaction of the people can be seen through the high level of denunciations, as people turned their neighbours into the Gestapo. 62% cases of race-defilement between 1936-1938 were based on denunciations, although their reasons were more personal than political with a ratio of 16:13 personal versus political.

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During the early part of the regime, propaganda was widely used by the NSDAP. As they had only first received a majority in 1933, it was necessary for the new government to convince the population that they had been correct in voting for them, or that they should be supporting them. Joseph Goebbels, Minister for Propaganda and National Enlightenment, aimed to unite the people under a common enemy, to raise support for the activities of the NSDAP and to help create the national community, or ‘Volksgemeinschaft’, that Hitler desired. Hitler was portrayed as a savior to the German people, ...

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