Reasons for the Cold War.

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Reasons for the Cold War

The Yalta and Potsdam peace conferences of 1945 were the beginning of the tensions between the capitalist West and the communist East.  The Allies reached agreements on most issues but were still divided on some very important ones.  The greatest source of conflict between the East and West was Poland.  In 1945 Stalin was the leader of the USSR and attended both peace conferences. Churchill attended the Yalta conference as the leader of Great Britain and was then replaced by Attlee who attended the Potsdam conference.    Roosevelt also attended the Yalta conference but sadly died and was replaced by Truman who attended the Potsdam conference.  By the end of the Second World War the USSR and the USA were the two superpowers, they had defeated Hitler and the Nazis and this had left both countries very powerful in comparison with the rest of the world at this post war time.  

Despite the USA and the USSR having been allies during the Second World War there were many disagreements at the peace conferences.  These disagreements lead to great tensions between the two superpowers and therefore the Cold War began in 1949.  The Cold War was the increasing tension that developed between the two superpowers.  The War had two rival sides and there was spying and propaganda from both of these, which also encouraged an arms race.  It was not, however a proper war as the two superpowers did not actually fight against each other.

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There were many reasons for the tensions increasing between the East and West and therefore the Cold War.  The mistrust between Truman and Stalin caused difficulties from the beginning.  Truman hated Communism and believed Stalin to be an evil dictator who was not to be trusted.  This meant there was a complete ideological gap between the two sides.  Each side believed that their way of life was greater than that of the other, this lead to mistrust between the populations of these countries as well as between their leaders.  The two countries whom had once been Allies during the Second ...

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