Role and Influence of Ruth Wilcox in “Howard’s End”.

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Role and Influence of Ruth Wilcox in "Howard's End".

Howard's end is a symbolic novel. The novel deals with conflict of different social class and human relationship. Ruth Wilcox is very important character as I am going to discuss the role and influence of Mrs. Wilcox.

Ruth Wilcox is representing the conservative English. Although, she is alive only for a short time. Her symbolic connections are with the land. Mrs. Wilcox often wars a long dress trailing on the grass. In contrast to her, other women always avoid their skirt to have contact with land. Through Mrs. Wilcox, Forster opposes London. "London makes separateness: it against personal relations, it makes individuality almost impossible without money" (1) Forster main hope is at Howard's end (Mrs. Wilcox's house). The value and tradition of England is represent:

"[The house] was English and the wych-elm that [Margaret] saw from the window was an English tree. No report had prepared her for its peculiar glory. It was neither warrior, nor love, nor god; in none of these roles do the English excel. It was a comrade, bending over the house, strength and adventure in its roots, but in its utmost fingers tenderness, and the girth, that a dozen man could not have spanned became in the end evanescent, till pale bud clusters seemed to float in the air. It was a comrade. House and tree transcended any similes of sex." (pp.217-218)
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Ruth Wilcox represents the primary connection between the Schlegels and the Wilcoxes. She identified with the image of hay fever that contrasts her to Charles, Henry and Tibby; all of them have hay fever because they are not the person who will inherit Howard's end. You will see that later the person who fit for Howard's end is son of Helen and Leonard Bast. When speak of personality, Mrs. Wilcox has little in conventional sense and even less in liveliness sense but when Margaret tells her that her house is to be destroy then Mrs. Wilcox said

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