Sorce based questions on the role of women in the first world war.

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History GCSE Coursework, James Cunnington

Source Questions

  1.    Source A comes from a broadcast on the BBC Home Radio and seems to be stating that now the great majority of men are away at war it is the job of women to pull together to complete essential war work. The speaker from the Women’s Institute (WI) said,  “We are all in it together. Don’t be afraid of being alone in your sacrifice,” suggesting that she believes every woman will have to give up some of their time or their personal security in order to win the battle that the entire country faced. The speaker is trying to push across the message that there is another battleground, within each family home. She says, “It’s no longer a question of what is the most comfortable arrangement for each family.” Telling us that the main role for women is to keep them and their families healthy and that’s its just as important as what the men are doing. The fact that it is a member of the WI who aired these particular views may lead some to believe that it was simply one group of self-important women but there is more evidence to back up their claims.
  2.       It could be said that Source B is one such piece. It is quite clearly in favour of women taking part in war work, “women should get on with the job, (and) do it well,” (B). It is an article written by a female member of the local council in West Ham in 1941, the author also states in the source that she did what would be considered a man’s job during World War One an, “enjoyed it.”  Showing us that she is a proponent of women in the workplace, just as the woman in Source A said, “ever woman in the country needs to pull her weight to the utmost.” Also, they are both extolling the virtues of women doing work but only as a necessity of war, “when the country is in a muddle… women are regarded as very important,” (B).  
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                However, Source B is more radical than A because it hints at the fact that women could the work of men whereas the woman from the women’s Institute has geared her argument more towards women taking an altruistic approach, implying that they should be taking care of their families an those they are in charge of first and foremost. Source B is also trying to get at the fact that women are not only working for the good of the country but also for the good of themselves. The speaker does this ...

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