The aims and methods of Cavour were completely different from those of Mazzini. How far do you agree with this judgement?

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Sue May

S04 ‘The aims and methods of Cavour were completely different from those of Mazzini.’ How far do you agree with this judgement?

Both Cavour and Mazzini have one main thing in common and that is their crucial contribution to the unification of Italy. However, both had had different aims and methods while undergoing this process.

The first main difference was the difference in their aims. Mazzini had always been a supporter of the republican form of government and that Italy was to be ruled by a central Government that was democratically elected. He regarded a republic as the only form of government that was consistent with the dignity of the people. Cavour always believed that Italy should be ruled by a monarchy government with a parliament with Victor Emmanuel II as king.

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Also, Mazzini has always longed for a full unification of Italy whereas Cavour initially only wanted a partial unification. Mazzini argues that true liberty would only be possible when Italy was as a single universality of citizens speaking the same tongue. He worked towards this through is society ‘Young Italy’. Cavour has criticised by A.J Taylor for putting himself first before Italy. This is seen through the Plombiers Act when Cavour wanted to promote the interest of Piedmont. In this act, he only wanted to unify the Northern states under piedmonts rule. He was also willing to surrender nice and ...

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