The causes of the second world war - Problems 1919-1924.

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PROBLEMS 1919-1924

→ The Versailles peacemakers had done their best to construct a durable settlement, but no single county was entirely satisfied with the results.


Having failed to gain the territory promised in 1915, Italy felt cheated by the treaty and was not committed to upholding it. In 1922 when Mussolini came to power he was determined to improve Italy’s international status.


The existence of Lenin’s Bolshevik government encouraged the possibility of a communist revolution sweeping across Europe. The Comintern was set up to spread the revolution abroad. But when Stalin came to power, his main concern was domestic affairs- socialism in one country rather than world revolution.


Germany had been greatly weakened by the defeat in the First World War. Its army had been reduced in size and its over sea’s empire lost. Germany refused to accept that the Versailles settlement was a fair and final outcome of the war.


France feared an attack from Germany. For that reason it maintained the largest military force in Europe. In 1923 French and Belgian troops occupied Ruhr with the intention of forcing Germany to pay reparations.

The little entente- France, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia


→ Stresemann, who controlled German foreign policy from 1923-29, believed that cooperation with Britain and France was the best way of achieving his aims. He was lucky, that Briand and Chamberlain felt the same way.

→ In 1925 representatives from Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Belgium met in Switzerland and accepted a number of agreements, known as the Locarno Pact (Germany to be welcomed to the league of nations, Germany’s western frontiers with France and Belgium were accepted as final and were guaranteed by Britain and France)

Kellogg-Briand Pact in 1928 outlawed war signed by all the major powers and was rather idealistic.

→ Maginot Line- a series of defensive protection built to secure the eastern border of France against a potential German attack.

The League of Nations was set up in the 1920’s to solve international disputes between minor powers. Although the League was believed to be a peaceful solver of world problems, it had little real influence.

DEPRESSION 1929-1933

→ The collapse of the world economy following the wall street Crash in 1929 had a major impact on international relations


The depression hit Japan hard and was a powerful incentive to military adventure. In September 1931 units in the Japanese army seized parts of a Chinese province of Manchuria, without any orders from the government. The Japanese government did nothing to terminate it because the Japanese people supported the army’s action. By February 1932 the Japanese had occupied the whole of Manchuria. The League of Nations eventually set up a commission, led by Lytton, to inquire into the Manchuria situation. In October Japan withdrew from the League in protest and ignored its rulings. The league took no action.

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→ In June 1932 the Lausanne Conference succeeded in canceling reparations.


1933 Hitler came to power in Germany. Hitler’s first moves in foreign policy were cautious because Germany was economically, militarily and diplomatically weak. In October 1933 Hitler withdrew from both the Disarmament Conference and the League (claiming that the other powers didn’t treat him as an equal).

→ In July 1934 a Nazi-inspired putsch led to the assassination of Dollfuss (Austrian Chancellor). Mussolini rushed Italian troops to the Austrian border as a warning to Hitler. Hitler did nothing, and the putsch failed.

German Polish ...

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