'The First World War was the result of a Badly mismanaged Balkan crisis in the summer of 1914 rather than the product of long-standing rivalries between the great powers.'

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Kate Coxell        25th November 02

‘The First World War was the result of a Badly mismanaged Balkan crisis in the summer of 1914 rather than the product of long-standing rivalries between the great powers.’

The assassination of the Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro- Hungarian throne, on 28th June 1914 in Sarajevo was a definite cause of a conflict that led to World War one. Seven Bosnian men who belonged to a Serbian terrorist group known as the Black Hand carried out the assassination. The group was believed to have the unofficial support of the Serbian government, however this is doubtful but the Austrians chose to blame them. There had been a long history of rivalries in the Balkans.

Both sides believed they could go to war and have a good chance of winning. The Serbs had promises from Russia and the Austrians had German backing. They did not think the war would spread across Europe. The Serb nationalists wanted to unite all Serb speaking people in one state but long standing rivalries between the two sides stopped this happening.

In the July crisis that followed all countries mobilized in support of their allies. After three weeks Austria-Hungary was confident they had the total support of Germany. The Germans had issued an offer of support to the Austrians so wholehearted that it became known as the ‘blank cheque’, it unlocked the complex mechanisms of treaty obligations and advised that the Dual Monarchy would not hesitate to take action against the Serbs. This prevented a localized war. It could be said that by doing this Germany was encouraging Austria-Hungary to act against the Serbs. On July 23rd 1914 an ultimatum was sent to Serbia by Austria-Hungary promising the end of their existence as a state, before the dead line for reply was reached the army became mobilized. In response Austria-Hungary mobilized against the Serbs. Russia fully supported Serbia and mobilized their army. Russia received an ultimatum from Germany who days later declared war on them. France mobilized In support of Russia and Germany declared war on them. The Schlieffen plan was put in place by Germany who attacked France through Belgium leading to Britain declaring war on Germany.

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The Balkan crisis led to the July crisis, which was badly mismanaged, this could be because the long standing rivalries held against countries led to the development of certain alliances that meant a wide scale war was inevitable.

In 1870 due to the Franco-Prussian war France Lost Alsace Lorraine and had to pay Germany 50 million Francs. France wanted revenge against Germany. The German Chancellor, Bismarck, decided to stop this by developing alliances with other nations Germany, Austria-Hungary and Russia formed the Dreikaiserbund to isolate France and keep the peace in Austria and Russia. The Reinsurance treaty between Russia and ...

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