The German surrender at Stalingrad, February 19431. Does source A adequately explain the reasons for the German surrender at Stalingrad? Explain your answer using source A and your own knowledge

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The German surrender at Stalingrad, February 19431. Does source A adequately explain the reasons for the German surrender at Stalingrad? Explain your answer using source A and your own knowledge.

Source A is very useful when looking at the reasons for the Germans' defeat at Stalingrad. Firstly it was written by Field Marshal Paulas who was commander of the sixth army it is therefore expected that he is making a factual report that can be classed as reliable. Paulas says that

'Troops without food or ammunition'

'18000 wounded without any supplies of dressings or drugs'

'Effective command no longer possible'

These points clearly demonstrate why Germany was losing at Stalingrad. Source A tells about the desperate situation with total chaos and low supplies.

However it is possible that Paulas could have been exaggerating the facts out of cowardice or an attempt to gain Hitler's permission to surrender and save lives of his troops. It is unlikely that this was the case and Source A does give several strong reasons explaining the German defeat.

Although it does not explain all the factors influencing the defeat. In the whole source Hitler is not mentioned once. Hitler was actually almost completely responsible for the German defeat as when the campaign started to fail Paulas requested permission to 'pull out' due to a lack in essential supplies which could have saved the Germans from defeat. But Hitler refused and instead promised to fly huge amounts of supplies into Stalingrad. This however failed because Hitler did not keep his promise and left the remaining troops without much of the supplies and ammunition needed. Another factor not mentioned was the weather, during the campaign thousands of soldiers died from the extreme cold of the Russian Winter.

Therefore although the source gives some of the reasons explaining the defeat at Stalingrad it does not adequately explain all of the reasons, such as Hitler's role and the terrible Winter weather.2. Why do you think the photograph, Source B was taken? Explain using Source B and your own knowledge.

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Source B shows a photograph taken on the 24 February 1943, the same time that Germany surrendered Stalingrad. It shows the city in ruins and a Russian soldier standing on building holding the soviet flag.

This photograph would have stirred up tremendous pride in Russians who fought for several hard months at Stalingrad. It could have been taken purely as a natural photograph by a soldier, but the more probable explanation is that it was taken as a useful piece of propaganda.

Stalingrad was a very significant turning point for Russia and the Allies, before the victory the Germans ...

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