The outbreak of the 1905 revolution was due to the grievances of the peasants Discuss

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Keir Armsby

“The outbreak of the 1905 revolution was due to the grievances of the peasants”

The period from 1894 to 1905 in Russia was very unstable. One could argue that a key contribution to the revolution in 1905 was due to a number of things, but most importantly the grievances of the peasants.

A crucial factor which led to grievances of the peasants was the out-dated autocratic system. The Tsar system ruled Russia for near on three hundred years and by the end of the 19 century the system had become obsolete. Russians ruling  was centred on one leader who believed there right to the crown was through Divine right and they were anointed  thus they were chosen by god to take on this role. The country also had little political structure and the oppressive system kept large amounts of the population in its place. Opposition to the tsar was not tolerated; certain authorities were put in to place to stop any kind of threat of the tsar system under control.  In this period of Russian history it was still a criminal offense to oppose the tsar. Consequently one can comprehend why this may have caused a feeling of dissatisfaction within the peasants or as they were labelled; “The Dark Masses” .The Army, Church and the Okhrana were the measures put in place stop any kind of rebellion occurs. The Okhrana (the Secret police at the time), and Army laid at the front of this despotic rule.  The public always had to be wary of what they said as they never knew whether the Okhrana would be listening whilst the army took a violent approach to any form of rebellion. These forms protection arose due to Alexander II assassination in 1881. Alexander II was a reformer. Socially, he freed the serfs, drew up plans for investment in railways and he politically instituted new provincial council e.g. Zestvos. However this was still not enough for some and he was assassinated by a young member of the ‘peoples will’. This led Alexander III and Nicholas II to be paranoid and worried. So, Nicholas’ paranoia led to him introducing the above policies which caused discontent with the peasants, giving them a reason to start the 1905 Revolution. Therefore both of them were reactionaries.  Furthermore, a crucial influence on the 1905 revolution could be due to the economically backward system and the lack of development.

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However, it could be argued that a reason for the revolution was due to Nicholas II himself rather than the system he inherited. Nicholas had to manage Russia through a time of major social and economic change but many have suggested that this was a role he simply could not handle and he did not want to take on, but unfortunately for him, it was his job to bring Russia into the twentieth century. Nicholas was said ‘I never wanted to become one I know nothing of the business of ruling’. There was no doubt that Nicolas was not academically ...

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