The outbreak of war in Europe in 1914 was due to an aggressive German foreign policy which had been waged since c1900

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 Roz Cresswell

‘The outbreak of war in Europe in 1914 was due to an aggressive German foreign policy which had been waged since c1900’

Although the statement is partially true, there were also many other factors that impacted upon the outbreak of the First World War, such as the rising tensions between Russia and Austria Hungry and the blank check.  Source W and source X are at least partly correct in saying that Germany was primarily responsible for the war but equally source V makes many valid points about Germany feeling under threat. There are also other factors which are not mentioned in the sources, which present a broader picture on what was happening in Europe up to the First World War and suggest that Germany was only partially to blame, for example the British and French role can also often be seen as a cause of the war.

Sources W and X both largely agree with the statement and create strong arguments for the First World War being due to German foreign policy aggression. Both state that the war was almost inevitable and that it was only a matter of time before it would occur. Source X states that “ the German plan to unleash a continental war which had crystallised a month previously” which tells us that the Germans had already decided they would go to war during the month of the Sarajevo murder. This implies that the Germans were getting ready for a war and in turn their foreign policy was aggressive towards the rest of Europe. This view is supported by other historians like Fischer who has seen the war as a product of German aggression. Source W also hold the view that Germany had been aggressive by stating “but German actions going back to the 1890’s had done much to create international tensions” which shows that in Blackbourns eyes, the Germans had been willing to provoke Europe into war for a very long time.

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Although sources W and X both suggest that German aggression was primarily to blame for the war, source V also outlines a very different but equally valid view. It states that Germany felt threatened and mentions the “diplomatic isolation of Germany”. This would explain why the Second Naval Law of 1900 was necessary to the Germans defence and provides an alternative explanation for the naval race that source W blames for the War. Source V also suggests that the Triple Entente was formed to bully Germany which would cause it to get paranoid and thus used an aggressive foreign ...

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