"The rise of Fascism was due more to the personality of Mussolini than the failures of Liberal Italy" Discuss

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Milan Pejnovic D.                                                                 11/05/04


“The rise of Fascism was due more to the personality of Mussolini than the failures of Liberal Italy” Discuss.

In 1922, Mussolini became the prime minister of Italy. This meant the end of Liberal Italy, and the rise of Fascism. Mussolini managed to do this because of his incredible personality, one which helped him be an excellent politician. On the other hand, Liberal Italy failed to fulfill national expectancy, also helping in the rise of Mussolini. The question here is which of the two was more important to the rise of Fascism. The key factors inside Mussolini’s personality are: his leadership, personal skills, his opportunism and pragmatism, anti-communism and the use of violence. On the other side of the argument we have the key factors for the failures of Liberal Italy: lack of leadership, failure of the parliamentary system, the economic effects of the war, social unrest dew to economic problems and the failure to put down the communist threat.

Augusto De Marsanich said: “only the intellect and will of Mussolini can still control and direct us.” Mussolini was a natural leader and politician. He organized and structured the fascist party in Italy and managed to get representation in such a way that soon he had a lot of support from a large amount of people. He knew how to act and when to act, and was always prepared to compromise his ideas to gain support. Hilbbert describes Mussolini: “a physical stance not yet devitalised by illness, an oratory style, staccato, tautophonic and responsive, not yet ridiculed by caricature and a personal charm not yet atrophied by adulation.”  The public saw him as a powerful figure that could bring about change to their lives.

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In contrast, King Emmanuel was clearly a weak figure, and it was thanks to this that the Fascists managed to get into the government.  The king relied in his ministers to govern the country. Lyttleton described his role in the March on Rome “The only man who could do anything was convinced of his impotence.” He feared that the fascist would try a complete revolution and displace him, so instead of using the force against them, he decided to invite Mussolini to form his own government, believing that he could be used. Mussolini used his position to make the Fascist ...

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