The Rise of the Dictatorships - Joseph Stalin was a soviet communist leader who managed post World War II in Europe; he therefore may be regarded as the most powerful person to live in the C20.

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The Rise of the Dictatorships

Joseph Stalin was a soviet communist leader who managed post World War II in Europe; he therefore may be regarded as the most powerful person to live in the C20.

He was born on December 21st. 1879 in Gori which is now known as the republic of Georgia. Although his parents were peasants and neither of them spoke Russian, Stalin was forced to learn it when he attended the Gori church school in 1888-1894; he was the best pupil in his school and had a full scholarship to the T’bilisi Theological Seminary. His original name was Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili but changed it to Joseph Stalin in 1910, with Stalin meaning ‘ man of steel’ he started his career in 1899 in the Social – democratic  party as a propagandist against the T’bilisi rail workers. He was arrested and exiled many times from 1902 – 1913, arrested 8 times, exiled 7 times and escaped six times. During the last few years of tsarist Russia 1905 – 1917, Stalin was more of an up coming follower rather than a leader, his contribution were more practical than theoretical, in fact he himself helped to organize a bank robbery.

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Stalin believed that the country was to be run equally. As he read Karl Marx’s book ‘Das Kapital, though it wasn’t allowed, he converted to a new orthodoxy: Russian Marxism hence he became to believe in communism. Stalin believed that all property should be equally owned b the public and that no-one was more powerful than another, however, this didn’t last for long.

After the death of Lenin, Stalin's reign of terror started to begin. He formed temporary allies to eliminate the threat of Leon Trotsky, he then made new allies and eliminated the treat of hi former ...

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