The Treaty of Versailles: Prelude to WWII

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The Treaty of Versailles: Prelude to WWII

The Treaty of Versailles was not a justified treaty which created German feelings of revenge and dislike towards the victorious countries. This feeling of revenge felt by Germany, in addition with the social atmosphere of Europe, led to a second World War in the September of 1939, just 11 years after the first World War. People at the time published reports on the unfairness of the treaty. America never ratified the treaty but Britain and France still enforced it. Germany had no choice but to sign the unfair 'diktat'1 and there was only a matter of time before things turned for the worse. We must examine the background, clauses, and effects of the Treaty of Versailles on Germany and Europe to understand how it helped cause WWII. Then, when you look at the situation the treaty created for Europe, we can see how WWII came about.

The war had left Europe in shambles. WWI ended on November 11, 1918, leaving millions of European soldiers dead and injured. Large areas of Belgium and France had been devastated and two of Europe's most powerful countries, Germany and Austria-Hungary, were defeated and exhausted. All the European countries were now bankrupt from the cost of waging a war for four years. Germany had not been defeated, but knew that if it continued to fight war against the strong American army, defeat in Berlin would result. Because Germany had surrendered, her only option was to either sign the treaty, or else go back to war again, which would inevitably result in defeat. The Treaty was unexpectedly harsh, though, despite the fact Germany hadn't been defeated, she had merely surrendered.

The leaders of the victorious countries met in Paris in 1919 to try to settle the war issues, with intentions of preventing another war. Everyone agreed that a new system was needed, as the old system of alliances had failed. There were different views from the leaders on what to include in the treaty. David Lloyd George, the British Prime Minister, did not want to punish Germany too harshly for fear of future troubles and also wanted to restore trade with her2, but election time was coming up so he had to make his people happy, and the British people wanted punishment for war damages. The Prime Minister of France, Georges Clemenceau, wanted to cripple Germany for the damage done to France during the war. He was worried that if Germany wasn't punished enough they would recover and attack France again, and because of Clemenceau's fierce views he was known as 'The Tiger'3. President Woodrow Wilson of the US was for world-peace and had little resentment towards Germany because the US had suffered no damage in the war. He published a list of peace propositions in his Fourteen Points paper. The main ideas from his points4 were self-determination, free seas, disarmament of all countries, and a League of Nations to be set up to manage disputes between countries. The US would not permit Woodrow Wilson to ratify the treaty (he didn't consult the Senate before going to Versailles5), so only Britain and France were left to force Germany to sign the Treaty of Versailles. The historian Harold Nicolson (a delegate to the Paris Peace Conference) said shorty after the conference that future historians would view the delegates of the conference as "...stupid men who had arrived in Paris determined that a wise and just peace should be negotiated, and that who left the conference conscious that the treaties imposed were neither wise nor workable."6

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Germany was forced to agree that it was guilty of starting the war.7 This clause was the most insulting and damaging clause for it blatantly and wrongly accused Germany of being the sole cause of war, and this enabled the other clauses to be severe as she was now to pay for the whole of WWI. The second clause was that Germany had to disarm.

The effects of this clause were: the army was to be limited to 100,000 men; conscription and much prided submarines and aircraft (the allies thought that without an air force Germany couldn't ever ...

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