The War on television screens in American living rooms has made Americans far more anti-war than anything else. The full brutality of the combat will be there in close-up and in colour, and blood looks very red on the colour television screen.

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The War on television screens in American living rooms has made Americans far more anti-war than anything else. The full brutality of the combat will be there in close-up and in colour, and blood looks very red on the colour television screen.

(A statement made by a BBC commentator in 1970 to members of the British armed forces).

This statement suggests that television was an important reason why the United States lost the war in Vietnam. Is there sufficient evidence in sources D to L to support this interpretation? Use the sources and your own knowledge from your studies to explain your answer.

The sources are not sufficient in themselves to support the interpretation but when put together with my own knowledge there is substantial evidence. The colour television made the images that were sent home more graphic and as the BBC commentator said, “blood looks very red”.

We know that the U.S were unable to defeat Guerilla tactics and this was a major reason why the U.S lost the war in Vietnam. For example Source J shows how much the war changed the attitudes of many U.S civilians who have previously supported the war. Kent state was highly publicized and it showed how the war was destroying humanity. The scenes were widespread and they showed just what was going on. This shocked America into realizing what the effects of the war were on America.

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Source D is a North Vietnamese propaganda poster showing the problems that the Americans faced when trying to defeat Guerilla tactics. It shows the North Vietnamese hiding in the jungle and American soldiers searching for them. The V.C are waiting to ambush them. This source is fairly sufficient to support the statement because it shows the difficulties that the U.S suffered when trying to defeat Guerilla tactics. In the background we can see some trucks and this could be the Ho Chi Minh trail but we cannot be certain. The Ho Chi Minh trail was primarily a trail for ...

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