This essay will be trying to ascertain whether or not television coverage was the main reason for America pulling out and thus losing the Vietnam War.

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Assignment 2: MODEL A2: Vietnam.

“The war on colour television screens in American living rooms has made Americans far more anti-war than anything else. The full brutality of the combat will be there in close-up and in colour, and blood looks very red on the colour television screen”

(A statement made by a BBC commentator in 1970 to members of the British armed forces.)

This statement suggests that television was an important reason why the United States lost the war in Vietnam. Is there sufficient evidence in Sources D to L to support this interpretation? Use the sources and knowledge from your studies to explain your answer.

This essay will be trying to ascertain whether or not television coverage was the main reason for America pulling out and thus losing the Vietnam War. Using my background knowledge, I can understand that television was a major reason for public opinion in America turning against the war, but there were also many things happening in Vietnam that were causing doubts for the U.S.A. as to whether the campaign was worth seeing through. Hopefully, the following sources will shed light on this debate.

Source D is a poster from North Vietnam showing problems Americans came across fighting a guerrilla war. This source suggests that the Vietcong were confident that their guerrilla tactics would defeat America on its own. As it is a North Vietnamese poster, it should be approached with caution as to whether it is prejudice or not, but the reality of the war proved it to lean towards the truth. The source tells us that the America’s failure to overcome guerrilla tactics was more important to the outcome of the war than television and this should be seen as a very relevant point because of the outcome of the war.

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Source E would have fuelled the anti-war movement in America. It shows children affected by napalm bombing, and this would have had a big impact on the public when it was shown on television. The army may have had to use napalm bombing against difficult guerrilla tactics, which backs up the point made by source D, but the public would have started to question whether the war was morally justified or not once they had seen scenes like this. This source does support the statement above more than it does source D.  It makes America look evil in the war.


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