This statement suggests that television was an important reason why the United States lost the war in Vietnam. Is there sufficient evidence in sources D to K to support this information?

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Again, without the sources, this is difficult to understand, but you should get the gist of it.

“The war on colour television screens in American living rooms has made America more anti-war than anything else. The full brutality of combat will be there in close-up and colour, and the blood looks very red on the colour television screen”

Statement made by a BBC commentator in 1970

This statement suggests that television was an important reason why the United States lost the war in Vietnam. Is there sufficient evidence in sources D to K to support this information?


There are many reasons why the Americans lost the Vietnam War, and one of the things that had most influence on the decision to withdraw from Vietnam was the change in attitude of the American people. So what changed their views, and was television the most important factor in this change?

There are many ways in which the American people could have found out about the war; television, newspaper articles, and accounts from the soldiers that had been there all showed what was happening in Vietnam, and without this input, the people would not have been able to draw their own conclusions.

Source D is one of the most memorable images of the Vietnam War. It is a photograph published in an American newspaper during the war. Two Vietnamese children are shown running, their clothes burnt off by American napalm. American soldiers are shown in the background filming and photographing the children. This image may have significantly swayed public opinion as the Americans were told that they were fighting for justice and freedom. Many Americans may have had their attitudes changed by seeing American soldiers causing suffering to obviously innocent Vietnamese citizens.

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Source J is another photograph, showing an anti-war demonstration at Kent State University in America. Demonstrations such as this one occurred worldwide, and they gave citizens a chance to display their views regarding the war. People may have changed their attitudes because of these demonstrations, and even if they did not directly change attitudes, the protests may have focussed media attention towards Vietnam, and the anti-war cause.

A few of the demonstrations turned to violence and some demonstrators were even shot by the police. These deaths could possibly have changed peoples views toward the war, and some ...

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