To What Degree was Reconstruction 1965-77 a false dawn for African-American Civil Rights?

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To what Degree was Reconstruction 1965-77 a false dawn for African-American civil Rights?

After the end of the civil war, there were many issues which needed to be addressed. The civil rights of the African American’s were in need of change, and during this period there were hopes that new legislation would be implemented to aid African Americans and other minority groups. This legislation would be called the Civil Rights Act of 1866, the 14th Amendment of 1868 (which promised equality), and finally the 15th Amendment (which gave the right to vote). However, despite the positive legislation, reconstruction aggravated a lot of people and brought the southern states into conflict with the Government.

        The Freedmen’s Bureau was established in 1865, which aimed to provide food, clothing, and fuel to formal slaves and white refugees. The Freedmen’s Bureau bill was also passed by Abraham Lincoln; however Johnson vetoed it, however a supplementary act extended its existence until 1870. This was very good for black rights, as it gave blacks more protection and a safety net if they were too poor to buy food and support their families. However, it was only meant as a temporary act, and therefore there was always the looming feeling that it would soon come to an end, and also the promises of it were not fulfilled to the extent at which it was said to be.

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        The Amendments which were introduced also gave black people a real hope in gaining independence and freedom. The 13th amendment was introduced in 1865, and this guaranteed the permanent abolishment of slavery. The emancipation proclamation which was introduced by Abraham Lincoln was seen as more of a temporary fix whilst the war was going on, however the 13th amendment solidified it and made it a more permanent and clear reality. “Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime where of the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject ...

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