To What Extent Can The Establishment Of The Crusader States From 1099 1118 Be Attributed To The Leadership Of Tancred And Baldwin I?

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Ben Jacques

To What Extent Can The Establishment Of The Crusader States From 1099 – 1118 Be Attributed To The Leadership Of Tancred And Baldwin I

The Crusader States were a true sign that the first crusade had been a success, against all the odds the Franks had captured the holy land and kept it safe from Muslim attackers. The fact that the States survived for so long with a fraction of the force they had is also surprising, their establishment can be attributed to a number of factors such as the leadership of Tancred and Baldwin I, Muslim disunity, military superioirity.

Baldwin and Tancred were both leaders of the crusaders at a greatly prosperous time. They defeated attacks from both of the Muslim factions numerous times and were great commanders and kept the crusader state safe from attack. For example the battles of Ramlah show how Baldwin was able to defeat a much larger Muslim force in defence of Jerusalem and the other crusader states. They also succeeded in expanding the crusader states, for example in 1101 Baldwin captured Arsuf and Caesarea and Tancred expanded Antioch capturing land off the Byzantines. Tancred was also victorious in the Battle of Artah defeating Ridwan with 30,000 men; this “marked a watershed in the history of the northern Crusader states”. This is not to say however that they were perfect rulers, mistakes and lack of foresight was common place. Baldwin was reckless often, for example at the second battle of Ramlah he took only a few hundred knights to face a large Muslim army, this ended in his defeat and near death, he lost all of his army and barely escaped to Ascalon. Tancred was ambitious, when he became ruler of Edessa he refused to give up the county to its rightful leader Baldwin II after his release, this resulted in a battle in which crusader fought crusader even using Muslims as their allies. The two leaders were strong however they had weaknesses; they were successful in keeping the Crusader States safe in times of crisis however they tended to slip into complacency when there was no apparent threat. Their knowledge from previous battles was invaluable to keeping the Crusader States safe from danger and prosper.

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Muslim disunity is a major factor for the success of the Crusader States. The Crusader States were always under attack from the Muslims but never from one unified army. If the Muslims had put aside their differences to fight their common enemy then they defiantly would have been more successful in defeating the Crusaders however the opposite came to pass with Muslim leaders making pacts with the Crusaders such as Chavli and Damascus. If the Muslims had concentrated their attacks and formed a coalition army like the Crusaders then they would have been more successful however unlike the Crusaders they ...

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