To what extent did the unification of Germany depend upon "the strengths of the Prussian state rather than the skills of Bismarck"?

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Question 2 (50 marks)

To what extent did the unification of Germany depend upon “the strengths of the Prussian state rather than the skills of Bismarck”?

In 1849 the revolutionaries’ dreams of a united Germany appeared to be as unlikely and as impractical as ever. The revolutions of 1848 had done little to lead one to believe that Germany would ever be unified, let alone that the process would be complete in less than 25 years. Otto von Bismarck, “The Iron Chancellor” was introduced as minister-president of Prussia in 1862 and by 1871 Germany had been unified. This could lead one to conclude that he was the mastermind behind the process of German unification. However, it could have in fact been the strengths of the Prussian state (the economic and military position of Prussia), which were responsible for allowing the unification to take place in 1871. This is a view shared by various historians such as Keynes who emphasises the importance of economic factors in the unification describing Germany as “a nation founded on an alignment of economic interests”, suggesting that without a strong economy the unification could not have taken place. There is also the possibility that nationalism could have had an influence on the unification and it must be considered as to what extent Bismarck contributed to or took advantage of nationalist feelings.


“In 1815 an intelligent betting man would have placed his money on Austria to be the dominant power in Germany; in 1862 he would have backed Prussia.” (Waller)- it was between this period, prior to Bismarck coming into power that Prussia improved both economically and politically, eventually becoming more dominant that Austria. Although Prussia had been considered more ‘German’ than Austria it was only its economic development, which swayed opinion further in Prussia’s favour.

Firstly, Prussia benefited from the congress of Vienna, receiving useful land, which was rich with coal and iron deposits and by 1815 the Prussian state was already increasing its influence in the German confederation and becoming more of a threat to Austria. The Zollverein was set up in 1818 and it was a customs union within Prussia’s own territories and by 1834 it had become an all-German customs union established under Prussian leadership. The Zollverein allowed trade between 39 German states through a tariff system for the movement of goods around Germany. This meant that Prussia had influence in the German states and Austria, were cut-off. It was at this point that the Austrian delegate to the assembly of the confederation remarked, “Prussia is now taking over the actual leadership of Germany’s policy, Austria’s leadership being merely formal” although, at this time Austria still had political influence. This supports that fact that the Prussian state was strong and continuing to gain influence through economic strength and this in turn led to political influence as they became more dominant and influential in ‘Germany’ with smaller states increasingly relying on them. The Zollverein provided a practical demonstration of the advantages that could be gained through unification. This free trade continued into the years of industrial expansion.

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In the 1850’s and 1860’s Prussia experienced industrialisation, leading to further growth. In the 1860’s about two thirds of Germany’s ironworks lay in Prussian territory. Railways were also built for transportation of goods and future movements of troops. During the industrialisation Prussia’s exports increased whilst Austria’s decreased. Prussia’s economic position had improved before the appointment of Bismarck and Prussian leadership had been successful in increasing their dominance by taking advantage of the strength of their economy. The strong economy made Prussia increasingly relied upon by other German states for things such as trade and Keynes argues that without Prussia’s solid ...

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