To what extent is it true to say that the great powers were more interested in their own national interests than maintaining the peace of Europe between 1815-30?

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Nicole Leung F.6U (20)

To what extent is it true to say that the great powers were more interested in their own national interests than maintaining the peace of Europe between 1815-30?

At the Congress of Vienna in 1815, the ‘Concert of Europe’ came into existence. It meant that the Great Powers, namely Austria, Russia, Britain, Prussia and France would, through a series of periodical congresses, discuss issues of common concerns. The original objective of the ‘Concert of Europe’ was to seek ways to safeguard peace in Europe since all great powers suffered immensely during the Napoleonic Era. The spirit of Concert of Europe was very low by 1830, and the major reason which explained this was that all powers responded to different matters with naked self-interests, rather than a genuine desire for peace. Hence, I agree to the given statement to a large extent.

At the beginning, the Great Powers did put much emphasis on peace rather than their own national interests but the situation changed as soon as the turmoil brought by the Napoleonic Wars was gradually settled. In the Treaty of Vienna in 1815, the Great Powers did somewhat forgo their interests in order to create a settlement which was effective in the maintenance of peace. In other words, the Treaty of Vienna was an outcome of compromises among the European powers. For example, under the principle ‘Balance of Power’, both Russia, Prussia and Austria made concessions. Alexander I of Russia had always wanted the whole Poland as reward as he claimed that Russia was the first country to defeat Napoleon but in order to prevent Russian dominance, Russia was not granted the whole Poland but just a large part of it. Similarly, Prussia had always been interested to annex the neighboring German state, Saxony. Yet, she only got 2/5 of Saxony in the end since an equilibrium of power had to be established so as to safeguard peace. As for Austria, she also made compromise when she agreed to the dual leadership system with Prussia in the German Confederation. Austria was a country with a large pool of German-speaking population and thus would have wanted to rule over the whole of German Confederation. Yet, for the sake of balance of power, she agreed to rule the Confederation collectively with Prussia so that each could check and balance one another. Given the above, at the outset the Great Powers’ self interests were in fact modified in order that a peaceful Europe could be achieved.

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However, soon after the Vienna Settlement, we could see that the Great Powers’ involvement in the Concert of Europe was no longer to simply maintain peace, but to maximize their own national interests. This could be seen in the Great Powers’ proposals and decisions in different congresses from 1815 onward.

In the Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1818, Russia proposed to station an allied standing army in Belgium. She also proposed later an international fleet in the Mediterranean regions so as to stamp out the piracy problems. However, her proposals were not primarily based on her concern of overall ...

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