To what extent were Liberal governments to blame for Italys post war difficulties?

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To what extent were Liberal governments to blame for Italy’s post war difficulties?

It is clear that the liberal government were accountable for Italy’s post war difficulties to some extent. There is evidence to support the idea that they were to some extent to blame for Italy’s post-war inflation, social and political unrest as result of their ineffective management of the economic,political and social situation. However, there were other contributing factors to Italy’s post-war problems.

Firstly, the liberals ineffectively dealt with the post-war economic crisis and by 1919 post war inflation caused the lira to lose half its value. In 1918 the national debt was 85 billion lire so in order to remedy the situation the Liberal government resorted to printing money. However, this solution only worsened the situation and as a consequence, inflation spiralled. As a result of the liberal government’s actions both the middle class and the working class suffered. Inflation destroyed the savings of the middle class and the latter being affected as a result of the purchasing power of their wages falling by around 25 per cent between 1915 and 1918. In addition, inflation provoked food riots which once again the Liberal government dealt ineffectively with by setting up food committees that requisitioned supplies and set prices. Furthermore, the Liberals ineffectively dealt with the situation of demobilised soldiers. The liberal government failed to provide jobs and as a consequence the was a rise in unemployment from 1920 as 2.5m soldiers returned home. Furthermore, the Liberals failed to recompense the soldiers for their suffering and many felt bitterness and resentment towards the government as a result. Therefore, it appears that the Liberal government was to blame to a large extent for Italy’s post war economic difficulties.

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A further way in which the Liberal government was to blame for Italy’s post war difficulties was as a result of them creating a climate in which Socialism and other extreme political parties could flourish.  In an attempt to secure the support of those who had fought in the war in 1919 the Liberal government introduced universal male suffrage. Despite being an attempt by the Liberals to ally themselves with working class men and create a just and stable political system this extension was particularly beneficial to the Socialists. In the elections of 1919 the first to be held ...

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