Unification of Germany - Factors of Success.

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Unification of Germany

Factors of Success成功因素


  On January 18, 1871, the German Empire was proclaimed宣佈成立. It is a turning point轉捩點 in the European history, and was one of the remote causes遠因 that led to the outbreak of the First World War. In fact, the success of German unification was due to the interplay互相交織 of many factors.


  1. Liberalism: Ideas of liberalism had been sown by the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars. During the upheaval巨變, such French ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity博愛 were spread to Germans. Besides, a variety各種 of Napoleon’s reforms like those in education, trade, administration, taxation and laws had encouraged the rise of middle class who then became the backbone骨幹 of the German unification movement.

  1. Nationalism: Napoleon grouped all Germans into a big state, i.e. the Confederation of the Rhine萊茵河邦聯. The Germans tasted嘗試過 national unity on one hand; yet they disliked the alien French rule on the other. Nationalism thus appeared. Though Germany was once again fragmented分裂 in 1815, the desire for national unity lingered揮之不去.



  1. Rise of Prussia: In the Battle of Waterloo滑鐵盧 1814 Prussia played a decisive role in defeating Napoleon. This raised her prestige considerably among not only the German states but the European Great Powers. Prussia became one of the “Big Five” which dominated the Congress of Vienna. She got many territorial gains.

  1. Vienna Settlement: At the Congress of Vienna, for the sake由於 of her contribution to the victory over Napoleon, and the need to counterbalance制衡 both France and Austria, Prussia was given additional population and extra-territories such as 2/5 of Saxony薩克森, Pomenrania波美隆尼亞, Posen坡森, the Rhineland, Danzig旦澤 and so on. Her population and size were almost doubled. She also shared dual leadership with Austria in the German Confederation德意志邦聯 (the Bund). Prussia was so in a strong position to challenge Austria in the German family.

  1. Lesson教訓 of 1848 Revolution: Nationalism and liberalism went hand in hand during the 1848 Revolution. The Frankfurt Assembly法蘭克福議會 organized by unarmed手無寸鐵 and idealistic professors and university students attempted in vain失敗 to create a liberal and united Germany. Henceforth自此, nationalism, or better say, Realpolitik現實政治, instead of liberalism, became the chief driving force動力 of the German unification movement. As Bismarck said in 1862, “The great question of the day shall not be decided by speeches言論 and resolutions決議 of the majority, …. which was proven a failure in 1848, …. but by blood and iron.” Besides, that Prussia did not abolish the liberal constitution granted in 1848 made her popular with Germans.

  1. Rise of William I: In 1861 King Federick William IV腓特力威廉四世 died and was succeeded by William I. He never forgot the humiliation恥辱 of 1850 imposed by Austria but appointed right men in right positions知人善任. He was determined to strengthen the Prussian army to achieve German unification with the help of Generals Moltke毛奇 and von Roon盧恩. Above all, his appointment of Bismarck in 1862 as Minister-President首相 proved to be a very wise decision, which partly paved the road to success.
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  1. Bismarck’s Domestic Reforms: Bismarck never hid his determination決心 to unite Germany. In 1862-65 he carried out a comprehensive army reform by increasing the army budget considerably, improving the organization and equipment of the Prussian army in defiance of不理會 the opposition of liberal Parliament members. Besides, he built railways along the Prussian borders邊境 to ensure that the Prussian army could be mobilized動員 swiftly快速地 and win any lightning war閃電戰.

  1. Bismarck’s Skilful Diplomacy: It is often argued that Bismarck’s diplomacy was the most contributive factor for the success of German unification; in fact it was the most ...

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