Victorian Women. Do you agree with the view that by 1882, the concept of angel of the house had been overturned?

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Do you agree with the view that by 1882, the concept of ‘angel of the house’ had been overturned?

In my opinion the concept ‘angel of the house’ was still very much intact in 1882, although perhaps not quite to the extent that it was in earlier times.                 Source F written by Caroline Norton goes against the view that women are the angels of the house. Caroline Norton went against her husband’s wishes, and didn’t live up to the angel of the house role. The fact that although the woman was supposed to be the domestic goddess of the house, and the main person who took care of the children, women did still not have custody of their children were they to get a divorce from their husband. The fact that Caroline wasn’t allowed to see her children greatly upset her. ‘ What I suffered on my children’s account, none will ever know or measure.

Source G a cartoon taken out of the Police News supports Source F.  Before this time divorce was practically unheard of, it was just not done. Divorce completely went against the angel of the house concept. An angel of the house was supposed to be the perfect women. A woman on a ‘ higher moral plane.’ It was considered that if a woman were a proper woman then a man would never have any need to complain. It was considered a woman’s fault if her husband was led astray or beat her. The fact that the Police News publicized this cartoon, making women appear to be disobeying men and speaking for themselves tells us that the idea of the angel of the house may be slowly fading. Although you could also argue that Source G is just taking a shot at those ‘ silly women’ that do not go by the angel of the house concept. They could be encouraging the concept by taking a shot at woman who were not living up to the standard.

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Source H I think contradicts both of the other sources. Written by a recent historian she takes on an objective view, neither on the side of men nor women. The source does support the angel of the house concept. The source states that women were the ‘safe sex’ and that the female sexual behavior was ‘benign and moral’ this is how an angel of the house was considered to be.

Men and women were considered to belong to ‘separate spheres’ there was no equality, and the angel of the house concept massively played up to this. Women were only ...

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