Vietnam coursework essay 1 - How Useful are Sources A to C to explain why the United States became involved in the war in Vietnam?

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Vietnam coursework essay 1

How Useful are Sources A to C to explain why the United States became involved in the war in Vietnam?

Historical sources vary in how useful they are, so historians have to analyse them. I have been given 3 sources about the Americans and Vietnam.

Source A is more useful than not. It is useful because it does actually tell you many reasons why America joined the war, although not directly. For example, when Johnson says “We fight in Vietnam because we have a promise to keep”, he is actually talking about the Truman Doctrine and containment. This is where Truman said that America would help any country fight off the communists if they attacked them. Johnson also talks about many other reasons America joined the war, like The Domino Theory and Political legacy. The source also tells you the reason the American government used with the public, they said their objective was the “freedom of the people of South Vietnam”. You would also expect Johnson to lie in this source as he is trying to make the war sound good to the public. However he does not lie at all, it is all truthful although he doesn't tell you everything.

However the utility of source A is limited because of the Provenance. Johnson is speaking to the public a month after the war has started so he can not say anything bad about the war or he would sound stupid. He is trying to win public support for the war. Another thing which makes the source limited is that it misses out a lot of key facts. For example, Johnson does not mention anything about the South being too weak to fight the North as that would make the government look stupid as they have been pumping lots of money into the south to make it stronger. Johnson also misses out all about Diem being unpopular and about the fixed elections and about the rivalry the Americans have with communism. I am also not entirely convinced that Johnson is telling the whole truth. He doesn't tell any lies but he could be exaggerating some points. So this source is more useful than not because it does tell you a lot of reasons that the war was started. It has a lot of facts in it. However it is not perfect as it has a lot of problems with it like the provenance.

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Source B is even more useful than source A. It was also from President Johnson but it was a private conversation. This makes it less likely that he would be trying to hide facts. Also it was a year before the war started so he is not under as much pressure to talk it up, and as you can see from the source, he actually wants to try and get out of getting in to a war. This source also talks about a lot of reasons that the war started, although again Johnson doesn't mention them directly, for example ...

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