Vietnam Sources Questions

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Calvin Evans

Mr. Parker


Questions 1 - 6

Vietnam coursework assignment


.Study Sources A

What can you learn from source A about the reasons for US involvement in South Vietnam?

Source A was taken from a book written by John F Kennedy, who was soon to be president of the USA. It states a belief that America claimed the domino theory, this involved the belief that countries that were threatened by communism were like a row of dominoes once one fell the others would follow. So for this reason the Americans claimed to get involved in Vietnam to stop the fist domino falling and therefore preventing the chain reaction from accruing. Kennedy also felt Vietnams economy was essential to the economy of South East Asia. This belief is true but is no reason to wage war in Vietnam.

2. Study Sources B and C.

In what ways does the evidence of source B and C help you understand the reasons for US involvement in South Vietnam?

Source B and C give us a variety of reasons for us involvement in South Vietnam. Source B is an official statement made by the us state department which mainly states the same reasons for intervention in Vietnam as source a that it was purely to protect the independence of south Vietnam and its people. Source b even goes as far as to compare the attempt of North Vietnam to take South Vietnam to the similar situation in Korea in 1950." North Vietnam commitment to seize control of the south is no less total is no less total then was the commitment of North Korea to take the south in 1950

Source C on the other hand shows the view of a soldier who volunteered to actually fight in the war Philip Caputo tells us some of the reasons for soldiers like himself getting involved in Vietnam war like war is attractive to young men who no nothing about it. Kennedy's challenge was said to influence young men to go into war "ask what you can do for the country." .It also shows how the recruits interpreted the official reasons for going to war, they realized communism had to be stopped "we were ordained to play cops to the communist robbers and spread our political ideas around the world. In addition both sources note the fact that the USA had never lost a war therefore supplying the USA with confidence to go and fight communism and spread there political ideas.

3. Study sources C, D and E.

Use the evidence of Sources C, D and E, and your own knowledge, to explain why the US forces were unable to defeat the Viet Cong.
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Based on sources C, D and E we can determine the US could not defeat the Vietcong due to a number of reasons. Several of the US plans failed. The number of US troops in Vietnam increased rapidly, but there were never enough to fight the NFL effectively.

Vietnam coursework assignment

Question 6

6. Study all the sources.

The writer of source M believed that television played an important part in peoples attitude toward the Vietnam War

Use the sources, and your own knowledge, to explain whether you agree with this

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