was bloody sunday the prime reason for the 1905 revolution

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Timothy Omacar 12AM



The events of Bloody Sunday were without a doubt an important part of Russian history as it exposed the spiralling problems the tsar faced, and the hurt of the people. The events of Blood Sunday only aided in aggravating the people and opposition as well as stimulating revolution. But yet on the other hand I still do not believe this was the prime cause for the 1905 revolutin. There are various reasons as to why bloody Sunday may have not been a prime reason for the 1905 revolution; for the reason that there are a range of long and short term causes for the march such as the ill treatment of workers and oppression through serfdom, the Russiffication of Russia that eventually led up to what was the bloody Sunday march, this brings to light the question whether the 1905 revolution would have occurred without the events of bloody Sunday. However the events of bloody Sunday helped to bring publicity to what was the worsening political and social situation in Russia in addition to tarring the image of Nicholas the II. So to a certain extent bloody Sunday did play a part in the 1905 revolution however I still do not believe bloody Sunday was the prime reason for the revolution.

The government’s incompetence and the lack of political reforms had a part to play in the build up to the revolution; by 1905 the Tsar's powers were unlimited. Russia had no constitution, no political party system to check the Tsar's power and the okhrana who terrorized the people. Russian agriculture was also backward and as a direct result of this there was famine throughout Russia, this led to major social unrest and even in the cities people were being arrested for petty crimes such as stealing food. Even Witte was frustrated at the in inability of the tsars ministers to understand the turmoil that Russia was now in as he referred to the government policy as a ‘mixture of cowardice, blindness and stupidity’. It was incompetence such as this and the loss in the Russo-Japanese war that led to social unrest and eventually revolution. However in hindsight early reforms would have avoided the 1905 revolution as the tsar was able to avoid total revolution through the reforms he created in the October manifesto that included the invention of the Duma, civil rights and freedom of speech. The fact the tsar was able to avoid revolution through these reforms illustrates how essential the lack of reforms were to the 1905 revolution, The lack of reforms may have even been the prime reason for the occurrence of the revolution as by providing certain reforms he was able to cater to the needs of the people and dampen the aims of other political party’s.

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The people of Russia had endured oppression through serfdom, the Okhrana and Russification. Serfdom was a barbaric system that kept peasants as slaves to the land, this form of slavery caused outrage amongst the people and was rapidly abolished as the threat of peasant rebellion had long since posed a threat to the Russian monarchy, ‘it is better to abolish serfdom from above than to let it begin to abolish itself from below’ (Alexander II).  The abolition of serfdom created more problems for the monarchy as redemption dues were introduced which ensured peasants would stay in poverty. Peasants also ...

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