Was the role of external forces more a source for stability than instability in Middle East between 1945 and 2000

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Was the role of external forces more a source for stability than instability in Middle East between 1945 and 2000?

External forces refer to states or international organisations from outside the region.

Middle East refers to the Palestinians and Israelis over the land issue and Arab hostility to Israel due to sympathy for the Palestinians, Arab nationalism and Islamic fundamentalism. The US, USSR, Britain, France, Norway and the UN involvement with the Arab-Israeli conflict have brought about its share of both stability and instability to Middle East. However, real efforts to bring peace and stability to Middle East only began in the early 1970s.

External forces have been a source of instability in Middle East but up to 1956. After British withdrew hastily from Palestine, UN took over and divided Palestine between Jews and Palestinians. Despite having a larger population, the Palestinians were given a smaller portion of land. Hence, Israel was formed under Ben Gurion in the lands assigned to them by the UN partition plan. However, this was made possible with support from Washington and Moscow. They encouraged the Jews to statehood by force of arms. Palestinian Arabs rejected and wanted to destroy Israel while non-Palestinians Arabs wanted to help Palestinians to get them back their land.

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France and Britain acted upon provocation by President Nasser and together with Israel, they secretly planned a joint attack on Egypt, hence the infamous collusion meeting (Oct 1956) and the Protocol of Sevres. Egypt though militarily defeated, they gained a political victory as they managed to stir up Arab anti-west and anti-Israel nationalism throughout pan-Arabism.

Cold War was a major contributing factor in the conflict from 1956 to 1973 as the superpowers jockeyed for influence, resources and strategic gain. In the 1967 Six-Day War, Israel invaded Egypt, Jordan and Syria in a pre-emptive strike. These pre-1945 tensions were ...

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