What advantages and disadvantages were there for Napoleon in agreeing to the Concordat?

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What advantages and disadvantages were there for Napoleon in agreeing to the Concordat?

Before deciding what advantages and disadvantages there were for Napoleon on agreeing to the Concordat I think it is important that we look at the basic outline of the Concordat and what it stated.

The Concordat was signed with Pope Pius VII in 1801, it stated that the state would pay the clergy a salary and make appointments to senior positions, such as bishops and archbishops. The position of the Pope as Head of the Catholic Church was recognized. The Catholic clergy was to obey the state and promised an oath to do so. The Church would not try to regain lands confiscated by the revolution. It agreed that services would be supervised under police powers. Catholicism also regained its position as the official religion of most Frenchmen.

        Napoleon thought that this agreement would bind the people that were behind the church and did not support the revolution (as the Church had condemned it earlier on) and those that were behind the revolution. Which should prove to his benefit, as they would all unite behind his rule also.

        It also meant that Royalist could no longer use the Church and the religion as a way of turning the revolution around – as now the Church was working hand in hand with state. Also the refractory priest were won back as now the state and the Church were bound in agreement, so the refractory priest would no longer cause friction as they had done before, the Vendee being a prime example.

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        It also meant that Napoleon could use the bishops, archbishops and priests to reinforce his authority, as they were now in his pay and had to follow his orders if they wished to be paid. He also got them to pay for the nation and him, and in services spread messages of his goodwill. It also became a way of encouraging conscription or relaying government propaganda and decrees. This meant that now the Church took orders from him and did almost anything he asked as they were seen as civil servants.

        The landowners that had bought church land during the ...

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