What were the different aims and objectives of Italian Nationalists between 1830 and 1848 and why did the why did they fail?

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Joshua Heugh

What were the different aims and objectives of Italian Nationalists between 1830 and 1848 and why did the why did they fail?

The period between 1830 and 1848 was a period characterised by numerous failures in revolutions and dominated by a large number of Italian nationalist who all sought to try and bring about some sought of unification. These key figures all had their different opinions on how the unification should be brought about, and in the end it is this that inevitably leads to the successive failures through this period. It was not helped that during this period Italy was very much a mixed society with a large number of peasants who were living in a “feudal society” i.e. they were being controlled by the landowners. These two factors and a number of other contributing reasons lead to the failures in each of the states which all were characterised by the same themes.

There were 4 main figures at this time, each sought to try and promote their idea of Italian unification through a number of means, mostly through books and publications. Mazzini was the most prominent of these figures promoting his thoughts through a secret society he set up called “Young Italy” whereby he tried to educate the youth on how Italy should be unified. His vision was one of a republic elected by the people. The way that the states should go a about ousting the foreign rulers was one with Piedmont leading the way and the Italian people doing it themselves without foreign help.


Gioberti another prominent figurehead published his memoirs in a book “On the moral and civil supremacy of the Italians” in it he made clear that Italy should make herself and that the Pope was to be the prominent figure in leading the way. The Papal States would lead the way in ousting the rulers and once out a federation would be created with the current leaders still in place in their respective states. Balbo was another writer/philosopher at the time and while less influential after this period his book was one widely circulated at the time and was certainly popular with the northern states for the following reason. “On the hopes of Itlay” stated that Piedmont should lead the way and that a federation should be created afterwards but that only the Northern states should be included i.e. Piedmont, Lombardy Venetia. This was really just an enlargened Piedmont, which many people wanted as the South was seen as a drain on resources, having poor industry and most of all poor soil which created a significant downfall. So much so that it was hard enough to sustain themselves never mind selling for commercial profit.

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As we can see there was a huge diversity in these ideas and the peasants who on the whole were illiterate were in no greater position to know what method they wanted. This was to lead to the eventual downfall, each figure had their own number of supporters however throughout Italy there was not one prominent figure who everybody knew about and was willing to follow. Saying this though some of the figures did have some limited success, Mazzini in the 1848 revolutions was successful in taking Rome and it was only until Pope Pius IX decided to get ...

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