What were the effects of the First Five Year Plan on Russia?

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History Coursework Question 2                 Edward Mathews

Centre No: 65129 Christ's Hospital                ARW Set 3

What were the effects of the First Five Year Plan on Russia?

The First Five Year plan was devised by Stalin in 1929 and it was his attempt to rapidly industrialise Russia in a short amount of time.  It was necessary for Stalin to do this because the country was behind the rest of Europe in Economic Standings and after the troubles of the previous years something needed to be done.  At the start of Stalin’s plan it looked like the old idea of War Communism because Stalin first took control of all Industrial areas in Russia and forced the workers to work in the factories just like the original Marxist idea. There are three categories that these effects need to put into, Economical, Political and Social.

        One of the main effects of the First Five Year Plan was that Industry was boosted since the problems of the years before. Huge Dams were built and new railways were introduced. The Railways were especially important because not only did they provide a better route of transport for passengers but were used to transfer large amounts of goods and heavy materials around Russia. This meant that villages and towns that had not been able to be industrialised before could now receive new materials. Huge Industrial Centres were introduced in the west and also in central Russia meaning towns and cities thrived. In the space of two or even three years this was supposed to change the industrial face of Russia. By 1937 the amount of Oil production had trebled, Coal production had gone up by four times and Steel production had gone up the same all since the start of the First Five Year Plan. This means that the plan was obviously working. The idea that Stalin had was that if he could get the most out of the first Plan then he would be ahead of schedule and be able to produce even more for the second and third Plans.

But not all of the effects were good; the people that were building the factories and working in them were all forced to work and most of them from Labour or Prison Camps. The main effect of this was that the workers were not trained in what they did and many of the buildings and products made were not of high quality. But this is not just because they were poorly trained but because they were beaten and did not receive the amount of food or pay that they should have. This meant they were poorly fed so they did not have good motivation; they had no money so they could not buy clothes or food and were generally bad workers. In the factories targets were frequently not met and produce was of poor quality.

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The reason why the workers were not getting as much food as they should have been getting is because of a change in the method of agriculture and farming in the country. This new method was Collectivisation. This means that instead of having small farms owned by individual peasants the government made them bring together the farms into big groups in the villages. Although this meant that all the food was being made at once and more of it could be produced the government took a certain amount of the crops as payment in tax. This left the farmers with ...

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