Why did America become increasingly involved in the affairs of Vietnam beaten 1954-1965?

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Daniel Benson

Why did America become increasingly involved in the affairs of Vietnam beaten 1954-1965?

During 1954 to 1965, America became increasingly involved in the affairs of Vietnam. This was due to many important reasons, the most important being that of Americas hatred of communism and the USA's need to contain it.

After World War 2, Europe was split up into a communist east and a capitalist west; this was described by Winston Churchill as a "Iron Curtain", which separated communist east and a capitalist west. As a result of World War 2 four countries were divided into communist and capitalist, these countries were: - China, Korea, Vietnam and in Germany Berlin was split by communist and capitalist, Berlin had a communist east and a capitalist west, and this was split up by the Berlin wall. South Korea was helped by the Americans to stop the communist north taking over Korea, but their help was no good and Korea became a communist state. China also became communist, and all that was left with this type of divide was Vietnam, and the American president thought that if Vietnam was going to fall and Become a Communist state then the rest of Asia would fall to. This theory was called "the domino theory" this basically stated that if the first domino fell (Vietnam) then the rest would follow.

Throughout these years the USA could have withdrawn and stopped giving aid to South Vietnam, but didn't, as the Presidents wanted to maintain there stature and not let Russia think they were weaker and that they had less people supporting their cause.

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From 1946 onwards the Vietminh who were an organisation set-up and led by the patriotic, communist Ho Chi Minh fought heavily with the French. They fought with far more primitive weapons than the French who used modern powerful weapons supplied by the US. But where the Vietminh lost out on technology they made up with ferocity, patriotism and their tactics. They fought using Guerrilla warfare and this suited the environment and gave a major advantage to the Vietminh.

The USA had become indirectly involved by funding the war for the French, but this was not enough for them. The ...

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