Why did Bismarck support the Dreikaiserbund of 1872-3?

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Why did Bismarck support the Dreikaiserbund of 1872-3?


In 1871, after Germany had seized Alsace-Lorraine, the Germans had imposed a large task upon the French. The task forced the French to pay an indemnity worth 5000 million gold Francs, and until this was repaid German troops would be placed in France to maintain the conditions. The indemnity was arranged to handicap France for a good period of years, but the new Republican French government were able to repay the indemnity by late 1872.

After the indemnity was repaid, the French government took task to rebuilding itself and the military. The French army reorganised and compulsory military service was introduced. This alarmed Bismarck because the French could be preparing for revenge and would have wanted Alsace-Lorraine back. This was made worse as France had repaid the indemnity so quickly that the German forces had to leave France and could not keep a tight belt around the French forces. In 1873, President MacMahon replaced President Theirs. MacMahon's government was Pro-Catholic and right-wing. This pro-Catholic government was formed just as Bismarck's anti-Catholic Kulturkampf was launched. With France unwrapping itself from the German’s hold, Bismarck needed to construct a system that would protect Germany from French revenge.

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The Dreikaiserbund or the Three Emperors’ League was made up of Alexander II of Russia, Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria-Hungary and Kaiser Wilhelm I of Germany. This agreement took place during a visit by both the Russian and Austrian rulers to Berlin in September 1872. The visit did not address the issues that divided the powers - particularly the conflicting opinions between Russia and Austria over the Balkans but focused on the common interest, that the three powers despised 'revolution' at a time when socialism was beginning to spread. For Bismarck, the Dreikaiserbund was a way to maintain the isolation ...

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