Why did opposition to the Tsarist regime increase between 1881-1904?

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Matthew Parnell                

Why did opposition to the Tsarist regime increase between 1881-1904?                                      Page 1

Opposition to Tsarist Government had long been a feature of the Romanov rule with strict laws in place to oversee that nobody spoke out against the Tsar’s rule. During the autocratic  years from 1881-1904 Russia went through two Tsars, Alexander III and his successor Nicholas II both obsessed with keeping absolute power over Russia. During that period it was an offence to speak out against the Tsar whilst nobody could challenge the Tsar’s rule as there was no parliament in place to speak for the people and no free press which meant that no one could release information that might influence the people to revolt for a better quality of life. This led to a hard struggle for the Russian people who endured numerous years of hardship under the Tsar; however it also resulted in the formation of politically organised parties in Russia that would each have separate ambitions for what they wanted for the future of Russia and her people.

The causes of Tsarist opposition could be argued to have been started by Alexander II who ironically was trying to stop opposition to the Tsarist regime by relaxing controls over the press and universities which inadvertently saw the emergence of the intelligentsia. After Alexander II assassination in 1881 the first signs of opposition to Tsar Alexander III where the educated and free-thinking middle class, who were able to travel to western nations and read new ideas that, had never before been herd of in particularly the idea of Karl Marx’s, Marxism where it was thought that the people would overthrow the government and become a Democracy, and without a state Russia would become communist. The 1890s saw the 'great spurt' of modernisation and industrialisation in Russia. Modernisation was driven by one man, Sergei Witte, the minister of finance from 1893 to 1903. An increase in the production of coal in the Ukraine and oil in the Caucasus promoted massive economic growth. Iron, chemical, engineering, petroleum and steel industries were established within ten years. Although this benefited the Russian economy the growth in industrial workforce concentrated in urban areas. This along with the combined high taxes and low incomes caused terrible living and working conditions in the cities. Witte’s economic policy created long term discontent within the Russian people as the high taxes and low wages led to high poverty throughout Russia whilst the increase in peasantry created more pressure on the agricultural land which led to an economic slump after 1902 which resulted in an increase in unemployment. Civil unrest further increased in 1900-1902 with poor harvests leading to starvation and an outbreak of violence in the countryside.

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This civil unrest led to the formation of various political parties throughout Russia which became the main sources of opposition to the Tsar’s rule. Parties such as the Liberals, and Social Democrats followed the relatively new idea of Marxism. However the Democrats wanted a revolution whereas the Liberals thought they could achieve their aims through a series of non-violent protests. The Democrats would later split into the Bolsheviks who thought the party should be ruled under one central leadership and that the way forward would be revolution whereas the Mensheviks beliefs were more democratic as they believed in allowing each ...

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