Why Did Revolution Erupt in 1789? There were many causes of the French Revolution

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Why Did Revolution Erupt in 1789?

There were many causes of the French Revolution, some long-term and some short-term. In this essay I will look at and explain them.

One of the causes of the revolution was absolute monarchy. This meant their country was ruled by someone who claimed all power. Some people thought that their country should be ruled by a government chosen by them. This would mean it would be their fault if the country wasn't well governed, as they had chosen them to run the country- rather than someone who just happened to be picked as the ruler because they were the eldest (male) of the royal family! This is what had been done with King Louis XVI, the son of the previous king, Louis XV. This meant he didn't have to have been a good ruler to become king, he just inherited it.

Unfortunately for France, Louis wasn't really a very good king. He was more interested in his hobbies of hunting and making clocks and locks than in the affairs of state, which made the people angry: that he did not care about them as he should. Although he meant well, he was uneducated- and unintelligent- which meant there wasn't really and way of improving the way he thought. This may not have mattered if he had taken advice as to how the country and the way it was run could be improved- but he didn't. This meant he ended up making some bad decisions and irritating his people, as it was them that the laws affected. He was also described as being honest- which could be both good and bad. It is usually described as a good point, although if the king expressed some of his views about someone ('s ideas) to someone, and they weren't good, this could also be a bad point. Another one of his good points was that he felt compassion: when you spoke to him of a disaster he felt for it. This would have been better, however, if he had shown in his replies that he cared- as his tone was often "cold and unfeeling".

He also presented himself badly: he had very poor posture, carrying his rather heavy carriage very badly. This meant he didn't look like much of a leader, and didn't inspire (much confidence in) his people. Also, the fact that he was overweight wasn't good, as this showed the poor people of France that while they starved, Louis obviously had too much to eat! He was also incredibly short-sighted. This would make him appear rather stupid, as people would be able to see him before he saw them. This would- could be dangerous and would also affect his ability to communicate. He was described as "looking like some peasant shambling along behind his plough", which meant he obviously didn't look like much of a leader- and wouldn't really inspire much in his people.

One of the other things that made Louis look bad was his wife- Marie Antoinette. She was supposed to make the royal family look good, to promote them- but she really didn't. Many rumours were spread about her. This made her sound bad, and also showed that people didn't like her. It was also said that she wasted much of the state's money on herself- on jewellery and one of her hobbies: gambling. This made the people angry as the struggled through starvation and poverty to pay their taxes to the king as he asked- only for his wife to spend it on herself! This wasn't a good idea. She was also described as lazy and silly. Some of her better points were her beauty and her intelligence- although she was said to interfere in the running of the country, which wasn't allowed. The peasants also thought her a bit strange, as she and her friends used to dress up as peasants and pretend to be poor for the afternoon!
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Overall, the king and queen were not well liked, and France wasn't really very well governed. Many of these problems were also experienced in England before the civil war- including the fact that Louis thought he had been chosen by God and therefore had the right to do anything he wanted- only he could pass laws. He was very much like Charles in both that way and in the fact that he never really ever called parliament, he and his queen weren't very well liked by the people, the way they both ran their countries and in the ...

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