Why did the 1898 reform movement fail?

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1898 Reform movement

Why did the 1898 reform movement fail?

The 1898 reform movement lasted from June 11th to September 20th, 103 days of reform was headed by Kang Youwei. The reform included changes in the education, political administration, industry and international cultural exchange. Different historians have different views on why the rebellion failed. Hsu, Fairbank and Reishaner argue that the rebellion failed mainly because of the strategy used by the reformers and the movement was too radical to be accepted by everyone. Hsu focuses on the inexperience of the reformers compared to the power and the experience of the Empress Dowager who still had much influence and power in China. He also suggests that the powerful conservative opposition was a main factor in the failure of the reform movement. , Fairbank and Reishaner focus on how the Chinese were too traditional and strong against modernization for reform to succeed. Gray claims that saying that reform failed, because it tried to push radical reforms is far too simple an argument. He focuses more on how the reform wanted to do what had already been done in the Hunan by Zhang Zhidong. He claims that the 1898 reform went no further then the Hunan in the teachings of the western subjects and the reform failed because the Chinese public opinion was unorganized and the Chinese didn’t know what they wanted. He argues that the reform also failed because there was a lack of communication between the reformers and the emperor and the real power was really held by the empress dowager.

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        The 1898 reform movement failed because it was too radical and it went against many Chinese people and their beliefs. Hsu argues that the reform went to fast and the changes made caused resentment form the Chinese. Gray argues that much that they tried to do had already been done before and the reform movement tried to avoid unnecessary opposition, for example the study of classics remained the basis, the military and industrial advances couldn’t be considered radical as these had already started from before. The development of agriculture and sericulture and the usage of state institutions to promote new ...

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