Why did the Bolshevik establish a dictatorship in Russia in the period 1918-24? - Describe the impact of communist policy on culture and religion?

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(i) Why did the Bolshevik establish a dictatorship in Russia in the period 1918-24?

(ii) Describe the impact of communist policy on culture and religion?

        The Bolshevik party, led by Lenin, established a dictatorship in Russia during 1918-24 to secure their position in authority. In 1918 Russia entered into Civil war, with both internal and external powers attempting to seize power from the Bolshevik. The Bolshevik party used this to strengthen their chances of winning the war, against overwhelming odds.

        When the Bolshevik party came into power after the 1917 October revolution, they did so by aggressive, rather than diplomatic means. Therefore they were not seen as the ‘legal’ rulers of Russia, and were met with hostility from many groups, such as the autocracy, nobles, church etc. The Bolshevik party was not even in the majority, for at the Constituent Assembly in 1917, the SR were the more popular party, beating the Bolshevik (SR-21 million votes, Bolshevik-9million votes). This was seen as a major threat by Lenin, as it questioned the Bolshevik right to rule, and so by dissolving all other political parties by 1923 and setting up a dictatorship it ensured that this threat to power was effectively dealt with.

        The Bolshevik party believed that there was going to be a worldwide soviet revolution, which is explored in the teachings of Karl Marx. This idea was not recognised by other parties, and so disallowing them to stand, or have any real political weight, strengthened the Bolshevik position, as both ideas and beliefs were restricted from the masses.

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        The Bolshevik party was afraid that other parties, if given the opportunity, would take over control, and so dictatorship also stopped any more revolutions from taking place. In the Civil war, the white consisted of many forces, made an attempt to overthrow the Bolshevik government. This Civil war was unsuccessful mainly due to the fact that the Bolshevik’s were in complete control of the country and so had many advantages such as the army, uses of taxes, railway etc. One of the first policies that Lenin brought forward was the unpopular War Communism. This meant that no industries could be ...

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