Why did Truman commit the USA to a war in Korea in June 1950?

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Why did Truman commit the USA to a war in Korea in June 1950?

There are a vast amount of factors that led Truman to take such action in Korea, most of them borne out of the Cold War. Another theme that shaped Truman’s perceptions, was his and the country’s paranoia, of the relentless expansionism of Communism in the East and within America herself. Both pressures at home and abroad made his decision virtually unavoidable.

With Truman making the decision to go into Korea, his personality must be analysed. He was motivated to enter the war through the force of his own convictions. He was a tough and at times explosive character, who was staunchly anti-Communist and thus believed that the only means of pushing the Communists out of Asia, back within Soviet borders would be to use force. Thus, American actions in Korea in June 1950 were a natural extension of Truman’s Cold War assumptions to a new battleground in Asia. Containment, which was outlined in the Kennan Long Telegram of 1947, was now to be applied to the Far East.

Indeed, the principles of Containment were central to Truman’s decision in the summer of 1950. Containment had proved a success in Europe, most notably in Greece and Berlin, thus America decided to once again use its power and influence, especially economic, to defend the independence of countries threatened by the expansion of Communism. America were under the assumption that North Korea’s leader Kim Il Sung was simply a puppet of Moscow, and thus in halting Kim Il Sung, Stalin would have been taught a lesson.

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Truman’s response to the invasion of North Korea, was also shaped by what had been learnt in the pre second world war days, where aggression by Germany in Europe and Japan in the East, was met with Allied appeasement and thus causing a world war. With Stalin being spoken of in the same breathe as Hitler, America were encouraged not to let this aggression go unchecked, otherwise another world war may be on the hands of America. Also post-war events in Europe had highlighted the real dangers of the expansionist Communists. Their methods of election rigging, intimidation and murder, ...

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