Why Is Their Growing Controversy Surrounding Stresemann’S Foreign Policy?

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Why is their growing controversy surrounding Stresemann's Foreign Policy?

On the face of it Stresemann appears the idea European and a good German helping his country out of a dark time, however there is a slightly more sinister side to his foreign policy which had it been allowed to develop has be compared to that of Adolph Hitler's in the Mid-1930's. Stresemann is seen as the man who brought Germany back to the for-front of European politics and stabilise international relations in Europe.

It has been suggested by Communists that Stresemann was nothing more than a monopoly Capitalist who was just the predecessor for Adolph Hitler.
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It has bee suggested that he had private reasons for signing the Lacarno Pacts and The Young and Dawes plans other than what was best for Germany. After his death in 1929 some of his papers and extracts from his diaries were published, but these showed him as a peacemaker and a good European. After the defeat in the Second World War more evidence became available. Papers that seemed to suggest that Stresemann had extremely Nationalist points of view about Germanys Eastern frontiers and he harboured the idea of a Union with Austria. (Both similar to the beliefs ...

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