Why Was Mussolini Able To Become A Dictator Just Six Years After His Appointment As Prime Minister?

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Why Was Mussolini Able To Become A Dictator Just Six Years After His Appointment As Prime Minister?


  • It took Mussolini three years to become Prime Minister after the formation of the Fascist Party in 1919.  He used his opportunist skills to enable him to become Prime Minister.  These skills are no more evident than in the “March on Rome” in October 1922.  

  • Mussolini declared that: “Victory by means of parliament, or through insurrection? Through what paths will Fascism become the State.”  However, Mussolini secretly hoped that the march would be unnecessary and that he would be given power.  

  • The King hesitated over whether to allow martial law and after originally agreeing to allow martial law to be used to restore order he changed his mind as he felt it may lead to civil war.  

  • Meanwhile, Fascists began to prepare for the “March on Rome” and pressure was beginning to increase as government buildings were occupied.  Therefore, the King asked Mussolini to form a government on 29th October 1922. This was considered surprising as there was only three other Fascists in the government but due to Mussolini’s constant pressure he was able to become Prime Minister.

  • Mussolini now needed to strengthen his government as it was not stable due to the lack of Fascists in it.  Mussolini again used his opportunist skills and within six years he was able to become dictator.  The events that led to dictatorship are analysed below.


  • Mussolini appealed to a number of groups due to his ability to attract potential opponents to the Fascist Party.

  • The Catholic Church was supportive of Mussolini as the Fascists were destroying Socialism which the Church considered more of a threat than Fascism to them.  Also, Mussolini gained their support by offering the Church financial support and introduced policies that suited the Church.  This included the increase of wages for priests.  

  • Landowners also supported Mussolini again due to the fact that Fascism was destroying Socialism.  Also, Mussolini ensured that he kept their support through economic policies including the abandonment of plans for agricultural reform.  
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  • The King was supportive of Mussolini due to his personality and his aims.  Mussolini promised to end the political instability of Italy and seemed as though he valued the King and army.  He also felt that to deny Mussolini power would cause even more problems as Mussolini had huge public support.  After Mussolini’s appointment King supported him as he felt that he needed to justify his decision and not supporting him would look like the King had made a mistake.  

  • The Army supported Mussolini as he was not afraid to use force as shown against the PSI ...

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