Why was Progress for Racial Equality so slow in the years 1945-1955?

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Why was Progress for Racial Equality so slow in the years 1945-1955?

Any progress for racial equality during the period of 1945-1955 faced a series of problems, both through the Government and legal means and the American public, slowing down and limiting its affect overall during this time period. Any effect of measures for racial equality were also limited for the same reasons, making the development of racial equality on the whole incredibly slow.

Presidents of America during this time period played their own part in slowing down progress. Truman (1945-53) in principle may not have been racist man that does not mean however that his stance on civil rights was in favour of racial equality. His attitude towards their plight was seemingly ignorant and his own awareness for his need for the southern vote made him wary to bring about change. His committee on civil rights in 1946 outlined only basic requirements for all Americans but even that failed to pass congress.

Eisenhower (1953-61) contributed to the progress of racial equality during this period even less. His intervention in the state of Arkansas on the issue of Little Rock can be seen as progress as Federal Government interfered with states on the issue of racial equality but it was clearly not enough for the cause and attitudes like this of top politicians slowed down any progress in the development overall.

Any additional help that could come through Government needed the placement of politicians willing to help racial equality, especially in the Deep South, but a lack of black voters in these states left clearly racist politicians with no intention of changing the racist laws that governed their state. The increase in voters during this period was not enough to sway the vote away from racist politicians and any progress in this way was clearly going to be a slow process.

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The system of Government in the USA runs on the premise of a Federal Government and individual State Governments. This system in itself had a way of slowing down progress. Any laws made by the federal Government are first passed by a two third majority of states to enable to be a national law, making this process in itself slow and giving the white, racist Southern states more control of national laws for racial equality.

States themselves also protested on the grounds of state rights, based on the principle that they should be able to determine their own policies at ...

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This is a good answer that focused well on the question throughout and shows a strong understanding of what slowed progress. The conclusion and introduction could both be improved.