Why was the USA so prosperous in the years 1945 – 63?

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hy was the USA so prosperous in the years 1945 – 63? -

‘This is a dream era; this is what everyone was waiting through the blackouts for. The great American Boom is on!’ Exclaimed the editors of Fortune magazine, after a decade and a half of deprivation and sacrifice the American people were finally pulling out into the limelight. The gross national product (GNP) nearly doubled between 1945 and 1960 as it increased from $284.6 billion to $502.6 billion, and the 1960s witnessed an even more spectacular expansion of the economy. By 1970 the USA had made up 6 percent of the worlds population following a huge ‘Baby Boom’, however they also produced and consumed nearly two-thirds of the world’s goods.

There were several factors, which contributed to this sustained economic surge. The huge amounts of American dollars spent on military needs during World War Two, had raised the economy swiftly out of the depression, lowering the unemployment levels drastically. High government spending continued to drive the post-war economy, thanks to the tensions generated by the cold war and the increase in defence spending provoked by the Korean conflict.  Military-related research also helped spawn the new glamour industries of the post-war era: chemicals, electronics and planes.  

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  Due to the physical devastation of France, Germany, Japan, and The Soviet Union, American manufacturers enjoyed a virtual monopoly over international trade.  In addition to this the development of new and more efficient machinery and computers lead to a 35 percent jump in the productivity of American workers between 1945 and 1955.

    The GI Bill of Rights; some people feared that a sharp drop in military spending and a sudden pour of veterans back in to the American civil workforce would send the economy back down to the previous levels of depression, causing widespread unemployment.  Such concern ...

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